I needed this!

I just came in from outside where I was sitting on the front steps, wine glass in hand, watching Millie go crazy with her toy in the steady rain falling from a very cloudy sky. This friends is my perfect day. 20160802_110957

After what seemed like months of oppressive heat and dryness, we are being refreshed with wonderful rain. My yard is green, my dog is loving the wet grass and cool rain, and I am feeling renewed.

The rain was coming in the form a roll cloud to the north. I was watching it move toward me.


I hurried inside to grab my phone and once I was outside the breeze picked up and it started to sprinkle. I am lucky that Catalina is near the mountains and higher in elevation making it easier for us to grow green stuff!

20160802_111143My front yard. We are very green right now.

It is a good day to write.






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