I can’t help it and other stuff

So…I have been having a great time with all my new Twitter followers. When I get a new follower I thank them for following with a nickname. The response has been fun, too fun and I can’t help it. There seems to be a bit of a theme with my followers. Wine, books, travel, food, writing – you know the usual suspects. It’s a hoot to connect with humans from other countries.

I have great news to share. I told all of you beautiful readers that my hubby, Chuck, after job hunting for two months got a new job. Well he has officially started at the new place. The man is enjoying learning and meeting his co-workers, figuring out his way around the new place and being part of the workforce again. While he was unemployed he kept himself busy with projects around the house and he has done a lot to perk up the property. He had time to reconnect with Millie who thinks he is her new BFF. Speaking of BFF (he hates when I describe it this way,) he has also reconnected with his buddy Bob. Those two men and their dogs have been hanging out and planning golf outings.

I’m not looking forward to summer in southern Arizona. It is hard for me to handle the heat. A swimming pool will be the first purchase if I win the lottery! Summer here seems to last from April to October. We’ve had 90’s to the end of October. When people say they love the heat but I don’t get it. At least with the cold you can bundle up to stay warm, but you can’t get naked enough to cool off if it is 110. Before you say I don’t know cold, I’ve lived in northern Japan where we averaged 10ft of snow and blizzards off the ocean, and North Dakota where the highs were -18.


My mom will be celebrating 86 years on the 24th, so here is a shout out to mom, Happy Birthday! 

She is a firecracker of a lady who likes all sports but is a huge football fan, is a notorious name dropper, loves and is inordinately proud of her children, grand children and great grandchildren.

She and my father had their first date July 4th 1950 and got married July 25th 1950 and were married until he passed in 2002.

The rough draft of my second book should be finished this week. Woo hoo. Then the heavy editing and rewriting starts. Anyone out there know a good history reference for Camden, New Jersey?






3 thoughts on “I can’t help it and other stuff

    1. Wow! Good for her. Maybe if he could recommend a book with the history of the area in the late 1800’s. I have characters who will need to visit. Travel, lodging, terrain, where it started etc.


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